Are you eager to apply your passion for emerging technologies and artificial intelligence in vital sectors like healthcare? Embarking on a path as an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager could empower you to drive innovation in this critical, sensitive, and indispensable field. If this intriguing and promising career resonates with you but you're still uncertain about your direction, here's a concise guide to help navigate your decision-making process.

Overview of the Role of an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager

In light of the recent, multidimensional, complex, and ever-evolving ethical dilemmas posed by artificial intelligence and big data, the role of an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager is indispensable within their organizations.


They devise and implement strategies to ensure compliance with regulations governing data, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies.

Key Responsibilities of an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager

The primary responsibilities of an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager include:

  • Developing internal procedures and training resources to uphold ethical standards;
  • Suggesting enhancements to procedures based on business dynamics and legal mandates;
  • Continuously monitoring legal developments to swiftly and effectively integrate changes;
  • Supervising employee adherence to ethical procedures through dashboards.

Essential Skills for an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager

Critical skills for an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager encompass:

  • Technical proficiency: a thorough understanding of artificial intelligence operations and expertise in data storage and security;
  • Legal knowledge: adapting to evolving laws and regulations concerning emerging technologies in the sector;
  • Industry knowledge: contextualizing technical and legal knowledge of the specific industry in which the manager operates
  • Effective communication: ability to advocate for the implementation of sometimes disruptive processes and systems to maintain ethical compliance within the company.

Educational Path to Becoming an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager

Professionals in this field typically hold high-level degrees. Given the pivotal nature of the challenges and the complexity of these new technologies for many business leaders, recruiters often prefer candidates from prestigious educational institutions.


The Master of Science in Health Management & Data Intelligence offered by emlyon business school is accessible to students holding a 4-year Bachelor’s Degree (possible exemption for 3-year Bachelor’s Degree). Accredited by the Conference of Grandes Écoles and conducted in English, this program offers the opportunity to study in Lyon with an international period.

Salary Outlook for an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager

On average, the salary for Ethical Data and AI Compliance Managers progresses as follows:

  • Junior: €55,000 per year;
  • Experienced: €67,000 per year;
  • Senior: €79,000 per year.

Career Advancement Opportunities for an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager

With experience, Ethical Data and AI Compliance Managers can advance to roles such as Director of Ethics and Compliance or even establish their own ethical compliance company.

Summary of the Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager

In summary, the Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager ensures the overall coherence and effectiveness of their company's ethical and digital policies. By mitigating legal and technical risks associated with new technologies, they actively support the digital transformation of their company.

Focus on emlyon business school

By choosing emlyon business school for training as an Ethical Data and AI Compliance Manager, you'll benefit from one of the top French and European schools, as recognized by leading organizations. Ranked second in France in the global employability rankings, emlyon leverages its extensive alumni network and partner companies to enrich the learning experience for its students.